inaho, a documentary film making team located in Kanuma city since 2019, has told “stories” of people and places around the world. In order to make quality films, we’ve gained inspirations for story-telling from many novels, narratives, and visual works. We’ve collected brilliant fictional books through this process, so we would like to share them with as many people as possible and at the same time, would like to be shared stories we don’t know yet from them. That is why we open a part of our filmmaking studio as a public library, “inaho Monogatari Library.”
当館では会員登録時にオススメの本1冊の寄贈と、その本のオススメコメントを書いていただくことで蔵書の貸出を受けることができます。会員が増えると蔵書の種類も数も増えていく、会員のみなさんと一緒に作っていく図書館です。 まずオープンの段階では、inahoがこれまで集めてきたファンタジー、ミステリー、SFをはじめとした約450冊の厳選された蔵書が揃っています。 ぜひどんな本があるのか、気軽に見にきてください。
Monogatari Library That Grows with People
“Monogatari” means narratives or stories in Japanese. We lend books that tell great stories to anyone who registers as a member of the library! We ask them to donate a book they like with a recommendation card to grow the library. At the opening, we have about 450 fictional books that we’ve collected so far such as fantasies, mysteries, and SFs. Please feel free to come and check out what new stories you can meet here!
▼ 開館日や蔵書などはinstagramアカウントでアップしています。以下からご確認ください。